The originator of table steak-Master Sun Dongbao In the 1970s, ordinary people could n’t afford western food. Sun Dongbao started his own business selling steaks. He set up stalls in the alley on Bade Road, Taipei, and launched people-friendly meals. Vegetables, noodles, and raw eggs were all cooked on hot On the iron plate, [Sizzling Steak] gradually spread in Taiwan, everyone eager to imitate, Famous overseas, expanded to Southeast Asia and the mainland. Now, we will meet consumers in Taiwan with a new look. In addition to sticking to the traditional style of table-top steaks, we will stick to the quality of the meat. The steaks sold in the store will all use ISO22000 and HACCP international food. Made by a safety-certified factory Oh meat! Such an economical and affordable, vulgar and large bowl of iron plate movement is on your side.

Phone: 089-333578
Store address: No. 462, Zhengqi Road, Taitung City
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